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Practice 1: Access the properties of a file for which you have set complex NTFS permissions for several groups of users. Select a user who is a member of more than one of the groups that you have assigned the permissions to for the file. Use the advanced button on the Securities tab to access the effective permissions tab. Enter the user s name to discover his or her effective permissions to that file. Practice 2: Access the properties of a folder for which multiple groups have been given different NTFS permissions. Use the advanced button on the Securities tab to access the effective permissions tab. Enter a group name to view the effective group permissions for that folder.

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This section contains a list of supplemental readings divided by objective. Study these sources thoroughly before taking the exam.



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Objective 3.1 Review 6, Files and Folders. This chapter examines share permissions, NTFS permissions, and auditing of resource access. Microsoft Corporation. Frequently Asked Questions: Security Technologies. This Webbased resource is free and can be accessed at the URL: http://www.microsoft.com /windowsserver2003/community/centers/security/security_ faq.mspx. Objective 3.2 Review Lesson 3 in 2, Administering Microsoft Windows Server 2003. This lesson discusses configuration and permission issues involved with Terminal Services, Remote Desktop, and Remote Assistance. Microsoft Corporation. Windows Server 2003, Help and Support Center: Remote Assistance. Objective 3.3 Review 6, Files and Folders. This chapter explores share permissions, NTFS permissions, and auditing of resource access. Microsoft Corporation. Technet; Script Center: Disks and File Systems. This Webbased resource is free and can be accessed at the following URL: http://www .microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/default.mspx. Objective 3.4 Review 6, Files and Folders. Examine the material on troubleshooting permissions, including how to view effective permissions. Review the following article on Microsoft Technet: http://technet2.microsoft.com /WindowsServer/en/Library/87b011ec b1b4 4baf 8ab0 53147b22a4201033.mspx.

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May 7, 2019 · NET is a powerful viewer component for commercial and personal use. By using Free Spire.PDFViewer for .NET, developers can view PDF/A-1B, PDF/X1A files and open and read encrypted PDF files. ... NET control library.

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9. Double-click the Add Column Button to create the button-click event handler and to open the form in code view. 10. Add the following code to Form1, which adds some additional code to the Form1_Load event that creates a new column on the DataTable and the code to add a new column to the DataGridView in the AddColumnButton_Click event.



' VB Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles MyBase.Load 'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'NorthwindDataSet.Customers' table. You can move, or remove it, As needed. Me.CustomersTableAdapter.Fill(Me.NorthwindDataSet.Customers) ' Add a new column to the Customers DataTable

Managing and Maintaining Access to Resources (3.0)

Share permissions are set within the Windows Server 2003 operating system on network access points shares within the file system. These share permissions are assigned in the folder properties interface (Sharing tab) in Windows Explorer. Individual files cannot be shared. For multiple user entities, permissions are analyzed for each SID presented in the user s access token, and the most liberal permission is granted. The exception to this liberal permission assignment is when one (or more) of the SIDs presented in the token has a deny permission assigned in the resources ACL; in that case, the deny permission takes precedence. If NTFS permissions are in use on the file system, the effective share permission is compared to the effective NTFS permission, and the most restrictive permission is then assigned as the final, effective permission for the user on that resource.

Dim Location As New DataColumn("Location")


Server01 is a file server running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 that is used by the accounting department to provide timesheet and expense report forms for employees. You are setting permissions on the share points for these folders and must meet the following requirements:

Location.Expression = "City + ', ' + Country"

Employee-specific forms are stored in the Forms folder. These forms should be accessible by all employees. Only Authenticated Users should be able to access the forms. Employees can upload completed forms to a folder named Forms\Reports \<username>. Users should be able to read only their own forms, not forms submitted by other users. Supervisor-specific forms are stored in Forms\Supervisors. These forms should be accessible only by supervisors.

The Forms folder is shared as Forms, the Supervisors folder is shared as Supervisors, and each user s folder is shared as that user s username. Supervisors are members of the Supervisors Global Group. NTFS permissions are set on all folders to Authenticated Users Modify. Permissions are granted to the shared folders as follows:


Shared Folder Forms Supervisors <username> Share Permissions Everyone, Allow Read Supervisors, Allow Read <username> Allow Change

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20 Feb 2018 ... NET MVC , the Rotativa tool is already available there, which we can use for generating pdfs. ... He had a requirement for generating pdf in ASP.

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